Each time an STP file is sent to the ATO, the file contains the latest Year To Date (YTD) totals for each employee. It does not report the amounts for that particular payslip.
So in effect, each STP file submitted with the ATO overwrites the data held for each employee from previous STP files with the latest YTD total for each employee.
When payslip errors are identified after the STP file has been submitted, the first step is to ensure that payslips are corrected in Easy Payslip. This will then ensure that the YTD is correct for when the next STP file is submitted with the ATO, as this will then update and correct the amounts recorded in the ATO systems.
Easy Payslip does not currently enable you to edit Payslips after they have been saved and sent, as this has the potential to result in inaccurate YTD totals in the future. Therefore, to make any corrections, the payslips need to be deleted and then re-entered. When the corrected payslip has been saved and sent, you will correctly update the YTD values.
This means that the most recent completed STP file is the most accurate in terms of ATO's data.