Each item on your payslip has a 'Type'. Use this table below to see which payslip items are included in each type and if they are subject to leave accruals or superannuation.
Payslip Item Type | Description | What Payslip Items are included? | Are Leave Entitlements accrued on these hours? | Is Super calculated on these items? |
W OTE | Wages - Ordinary Time Earnings | Base hours, additional base rates, directors fees, bonuses, commissions, per job payments | Yes - if there are hours in the line item | Yes |
NWOTE | Wages - Not Ordinary Time Earnings | Overtime | No | No |
ENTMTS | Entitlements | Annual leave, personal leave, long service leave, compassionate leave, time in lieu | Yes - except compassionate leave | Yes |
LVPDOT | Leave Paid Out | Annual leave paid out, long service leave paid out, personal leave paid out | No | No |
ALWTAX | Taxable Allowances | All taxable allowances | No | No |
ALWUTX | Untaxed Allowances | All untaxed allowances | No | No |
PRTXDED | Pre Tax Deductions | All pre-tax deductions | No | No |
PSTXDED | Post Tax Deductions | All post-tax deductions | No | No |
SALSACS | Salary Sacrifice - Super | Salary sacrifice superannuation | No | No |
SUPEXP | Super Expense | Employee additional super, spouse contribution super | No | No |
SGC | Super Guarantee Contribution | super guarantee contribution | No | No |
PAYGW | PAYG Withholding Tax | PAYG withholding tax | No | No |