Easy Payslip is an easy and affordable solution to your nanny payroll. If it's your first time employing a nanny, there may be a few one-off setup activities to do, but after that your employer obligations with regards to reporting to the ATO are quite straightforward.
Easy Payslip allows you to report Single Touch Payroll (STP) to the ATO in a few seconds. You will need to create a payslip every pay period (weekly, fortnightly, monthly — your choice, as per your agreement with your nanny), report the amounts via STP (one tap in Easy Payslip) and then make the payment to your nanny via online banking.
If you don't already have an Easy Business App account, you can get started for free today.
One-Time Setup Activities
Firstly, you will need to register with the ATO as an employer to receive a Withholding Payer Number (WPN) — it's just one simple form. Once you have your WPN you will be able to use that for any nanny you may employ in the future.
You'll also need Workers Compensation Insurance — providers vary state-by-state, but again, it's a one-time setup activity and an annual insurance premium. (Hint: the cost is about $175 per year in NSW).
You'll need a contract with your nanny too; this is to protect both parties and make sure everyone knows where they stand. There's a simple template available at the end of this article.
Every Pay Period
On a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis you'll need to create payslips to send to your nanny and lodge Single Touch Payroll with the ATO. Easy Business App allows you to do that in a couple of taps. You can see the help articles in the Easy Payslip section:
- Adding your Nanny as an Employee in Easy Payslip
- Creating a Payslip and Submitting Single Touch Payroll (STP)
Quarterly Activities
You'll need to pay the ATO your withheld tax (PAYG) on a monthly or quarterly basis. Our reports make it easy to find this amount, and you can simple pay it through the ATO online portal for free.
You'll also need to pay super to your nanny's nominated super fund on a quarterly basis — again, this can be handled really easily (and for free) through the ATO portal via the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House.
Annual Activities
Once per year (in the period July 1st - July 14th) you'll need to submit an end-of-year STP Finalisation to the ATO via Easy Payslip. This just double-confirms to the ATO that you have entered all the information correctly for the year, and then enables your employee to complete their own personal tax return.
This is also a super-easy process in Easy Payslip and takes most employers 5-10 minutes:
Q: What do I do if I have questions?
A: Have a look through the help articles (and the FAQ below) to see if we have a guide that can help you. If you're still not sure, you can contact us via email, telephone or via Live Chat.
Q: Do I need to register your software with the ATO somehow?
A: No. Most of our competitors will give you a long reference number (called a Software ID) and ask you to call the ATO to register. We use a different mechanism to connect to the ATO (through a Sending Service Provider) which we do specifically so that you don't have to do this. Much easier than having to call the ATO!
Q: Is my data secure with you?
A: Yes. We take data security very seriously. We hold an ISO:27001 information security management certification which means we are independently audited for information security. We hold all your data right here in Australia, and everything is encrypted using best-in-class 256-bit encryption. We're an ATO-approved Digital Services Provider, too. You can learn more in our article Keeping Your Data Secure.
We've processed more than $1 billion of payroll through Easy Payslip over the last 5 years — thousands of Aussie employers trust us with their payroll every week.