Easy payslip provides a simple way to do payslips and single touch payroll on your choice of web or mobile. It's all in the cloud so you can mix and match.
Navigating around Easy Payslip
Use the icons along the bottom for payroll and STP, and the hamburger menu for extra functions:
Hamburger Menu:
Use the hamburger menu to access:
Understanding Payroll and STP
There are 4 easy steps to understanding Easy Payslip:
- Your Business/Organisation Information
- Employee Details
- Creating Payslips
- Sending STP files
1. Your Business/Organisation Details
Press the hamburger menu and then Manage Orgs. & Subscriptions to see your business details such as:
2. Employee Details:
Create and maintain information about each of your employees.
Information is in 5 easy sections:
Personal details such as name, and the email address where their payslip will be sent.
Payroll details such as job title, their employment status, how often they get paid, and how much they get paid. The hours of work and rates of pay can be changed each time you create their payslips.
Entitlements they will receive such as annual leave and personal leave.
Tax information such as tax file number
Super information like the super guarantee rate
3. Creating Payslips
Create your payslips here, and view previous pay runs you've created.
Enter the dates and select your employees.
Then you can:
- Check/update their hours and rates
- Add extras including leave, overtime, allowances, deductions, salary sacrifice and more.
- Preview to see what the payslip will look like
- Then save and send it, and move onto your next employee
Sending and Checking STP files:
When you complete your pay run, you can press a button to send your STP file.
Or you can come back later by viewing your previous payruns. You can also delete your payslip(s) if you've made a mistake.
You can also view and send your STP files in the STP menu, where they are grouped by their lodgement status:
The payroll summary and detail reports give you access to all the information you need at your fingertips. choose your report, enter your dates, and voila, there it is!
If you ever get stuck, check out our more detailed step by step guides, or get in contact with our local friendly support.