The Employee Taxes screen contains information that helps Easy Payslip calculate the correct tax your employee's payslip. This information is contained in your employee's tax file number declaration form.
Information about this can be found at the ATO website, and this form can now be filled in online by your employee in their MYGOV account. It should then be printed and provided to you as their employer.
Tax File Number - This is the employee's unique identifier
Tax Residency - This indicates if the employee is a tax resident in Australia
Tax Band - Options here related to the tax residency option selected
note: the Payment Basis and Payment Frequency options selected in the Payroll section can affect the tax band options available.
Closely Held Payee - A closely held payee is an individual directly related to the entity from which they receive payments.
Study and Training Support Loans - This relates to Trade Support Loans, ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan, Student Financial Supplement Scheme, and Higher Education Loan Programme