In App Screen Guides
Short and to the point explanations of some of Easy Payslips most popular screens
- Cash View vs Accrual View
- Enabling Pop-ups in Safari
- Screen Guide - Customise Design Settings
- Screen Guide - View Customer
- Screen Guide - Quote Creation
- Screen Guide - Invoice Creation
- STP Screen
- Final STP screen
- Final Payslip
- Payroll Summary Screen
- STP (Single Touch Payroll) Screen
- My Payslip
- Process Payroll Screen (Long Version)
- Process Payroll Screen (Short Version)
- Payroll Activity Summary Screen
- Payroll Activity Detail Screen
- User Profile Screen
- Previous Payrun Screen
- Create Payrun Screen
- Employee Payroll Screen
- Employee Details Screen
- Employee Superannuation Screen
- Employee Leave Screen
- Employee Tax Screen