Use this screen to:
* Add and remove items to create your payslip
* Preview your payslip to see exactly what it looks like
* Save your payslip and send it to your employee
* Process a Final Payslip to pay out the employees leave balances if required when they leave the business
Payslip items (wages etc) that you have previously used this financial year will automatically appear.
Press the existing items to update them
Press + to add more items.
Press + from the Additional Payslip Options at the bottom of the screen to add new payslip item types.
The available payslip item types are:
Wages - Base rates (this is copied from the employee record), Additional base rates, Per job/unit payments, Bonuses, Commissions, Directors fees
Overtime - Rate multiples (eg double time), manually inputted rate
Entitlements - Annual leave, Personal Leave, Long-service leave, Compassionate leave, Time in lieu/RDOs. Note that leave types must be turned on in the employee record to use in the payslip
Allowances: Taxable allowances, untaxed allowances
Deductions: Pre-tax deductions, Post-tax deductions
Super: Salary sacrifice, Employee additional, Spouse Contribution.
Note that the super guarantee is automatically added to the payslip
Totals are automatically updated as you update items payslip items:
Net Taxable Income - The total amount from which tax will be calculated
Tax - Tax to withhold from the Gross amount/Net Taxable Income
Net Pay - the net amount to pay the employee via EFT, Cash or Cheque
Super Guarantee - Government-mandated superannuation to be paid to employees' chosen super fund
Press Preview Payslip to see what your payslip looks like before saving and sending.
We recommend that you use the same descriptions for your payslip items each pay period, so that they appear on the same line on the payslip. Changing the description each period will create additional line items on the payslip with their own year to date values.
EG: if you always use the description 'bonus', you will see the payslip total and the year to date total on a single 'bonus' line on all your payslips. If you rename it each payslip to Jan Bonus, Feb Bonus etc then you will see separate lines for each on future payslips, each with their own year to date totals.