The STP screen displays all your pay runs, sorted by their STP Status. You can filter by financial year to find the payruns you are looking for.
The STP Lodgement Status Icons:
Payrun ready to be lodged as an STP file to the ATO. We do not send any STP files automatically without your approval
Pending approval from ATO - The STP file has been sent, just waiting to hear back from the ATO. Can take anywhere from 5mins to 48hrs
Successful lodgement of STP file
Error with STP file submission - please see the affected payslips above.
You can also expand an individual payrun using the down arrow , and then the three dots ⋮ to view the payslip detail, resend the email & delete the payslip.
- View Payslip - Open PDF file to view full payslip details & also download PDF for offline
- Resend Email - Send payslip to Employer & Employee email address
- Delete Payslip - Removal of the payslip & STP file for that specific employee & period. This means the figures generated within this deleted payslip will be removed from the employees' YTD totals for the financial year.
You can also long-press on the summary card to go straight to View Payslip to see the PDF.