You can bulk process (sometimes called "bulk coding" or "bulk editing" or "mass editing") bank transactions in Easy Cashflow, which can save a lot of time compared to processing them one-by-one.
How to Bulk Categorise Transactions
1. Go to Easy Cashflow > Bank Transactions screen.
2. Go to the "To Do" tab to find unprocessed transactions.
3. (Optional but useful!) Search for the common description. In this case, "Transport"
4. Click the checkboxes to select. Note the Select All checkbox at the top of the column. This will toggle between selecting everything and nothing.
5. Click the Categorise N Transactions button in the bottom-right.
6. Select the Category and Tax Type and optionally enter the Supplier and Description. (You'll only see Supplier if you select at least one Outgoing transaction.)
7. Click Categorise N Transactions to confirm.
You can also do this on mobile!
Just look out for the Bulk Edit button to enable Bulk Editing mode:
How to Bulk Unmatch Transactions
You can also bulk unmatch transactions (i.e. reset the transactions to the "To Do" status) if they were incorrectly categorised.
1. Go to the "Done" tab.
2. Search and select the transactions you with to unmatch
3. Click Unmatch N Transactions.
4. Click Unmatch N Transactions to confirm.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I bulk re-categorise (i.e. change everything from category A to category B)?
A: You just need to do this in two steps. First bulk unmatch, then switch to the To Do tab and Bulk Categorise.
Q: How many transactions can I categorise at once? Can I bulk categorise more than 500 transactions at once?
A: Our back-end server will only process 500 at a time, so you just need to do it in batches. If you select more than 500 transactions, only the first 500 will be processed when you click Categorise 1200 Transactions. The screen will refresh once they have processed and all the statuses updated, so you can just categorise the next 500 and so on in batches. It only takes a few seconds to process 500 transactions. Our tech team work very hard on performance :)
Q: Can I bulk split each transaction into multiple categories? Or assign a proportion to personal use in bulk?
A: No, you can only categorise to one category, as the processing calculations would be too difficult for variable amounts. You will need to process this kind of transaction manually, where the full range of split options are available.
Q: I bulk categorised all my customer invoice payments for invoices I created in Easy Invoicing to "Sales Income". Is that right?
A: Nope, unfortunately not. While the accounting may be correct, you will have a lot of invoices in Easy Invoicing with a status of "Unpaid". Payments received from customers for Easy Invoices need to be matched against the invoice manually. See our help guide on How to Match and Categorise in Easy Cashflow.