You can upload historic bank transactions to both bank and credit card accounts.
- For linked accounts, you can only upload CSV files where the transactions are dated earlier than the earliest linked transaction. This is to prevent duplicates in the account.
- For non-linked (manually created) accounts, you can upload CSV files with any historic dates (earlier than today).
- Easy Cashflow is smart enough to recognise most bank CSV files without any editing required by you, but templates are available for the small number of cases where it doesn't work automatically.
How to Upload a CSV File
If you are uploading CSV files to a non-linked bank/credit card account, you should first create that account by clicking the "Add New Account" button on the Bank Transactions screen and selecting "Create a Manual Account".
1. From the Bank Transactions screen in Easy Cashflow, select the account you wish to upload a CSV file for and press the pencil button.
2. On the Account Details popup, select "Upload CSV File".
For most banks you do not need to edit the file you download, Easy Cashflow is smart enough to recognise the majority of bank CSV files and handle them correctly.
2a. If your import doesn't work automatically, you may download one of the templates and use a spreadsheet program to copy/paste the data into the correct format. Dates should be in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format and positive values represent incomings in an account (negative values represent outgoings).
3. Once you have uploaded the file, you will see the details of the upload (including the number of the transactions) at the bottom of the screen:
Deleting Previous Uploads
If you make a mistake, for example by performing multiple uploads and duplicating some transactions, you can delete the entire upload by clicking on the red bin icon.
Note that this will delete all the transactions in that upload, including any that you have already categorised or matched. We cannot recover these transactions, so please be careful when performing this deletion.